Odessa is a multi-disciplinary creative currently based in Toronto.  

    Upon spending a foundational time as a designer in Montréal, Odessa’s work expands beyond a single medium. Odessa’s slow crafted skills is a fermentation of both time and dedicated hands.

    She currently works as a freelance photographer in Toronto. When she is not behind the camera, she is either in her ceramics studio or foraging in the favourite place: the forest. She is also the founder of No Such Thing Studios; a bifurcated business offering both handmade ceramic homewares and sewn garments. 

    Her work has been exhibited in Spain, Portugual, Montréal, Toronto, Massachusetts, and Belgium.  

If you would like to contact Odessa for future project inquiries please reach out via email.  

→ odessadobbie@gmail.com

→ nosuchthingceramics


Toronto, ON